Tuesday, October 25

Mother Daughter Talk

My mom and I were riding one day and started talking about dating. She expressed that she feels she's ready to start dating again. I stubbornly told her that whoever she dated needs to be approved by me. That led to the last 3 guys I dated and the conversation went something like this:

Mom: why don't u talk to "X" any more?
Me: he's unstable, doesn't take care of his kids, and mooches off others....
Mom: what happened to "Y"?
Me: he's a habitual liar (amongst other things), not loyal, and took advantage of the many chances I gave him
Mom: what abt "Z"?
Me: he wanted me and everybody else.
Mom: so you just drop them? you ain't perfect you know?
Me: I know. And I don't want someone who is perfect. I want someone that's perfect for me... 

I've always been the type of girl that didn't take much BS from guys. In the time it would take you to blink I would have dismissed one. But I'm also a "go getter". When I'm truly interested, I do what I have to do to prove to a guy that I am. It sucks that  I've never been exposed to a healthy marriage but being exposed to the unhealthy ones taught me just as much. They showed me what I didn't want to have to put up with and what I refused to to settle for. After seeing the negative effects of what my mothers past relationships, friends relationships and even my most recent experiences can do to ones health, mentality, and emotional state, you'd think I would be ready to throw in the towel. Not because he may have flaws, but because he may just have the very flaws I'm not willing to compromise with such as repetitive lying, and cheating. As my mother pointed out, I'm not perfect and I don't claim to be. I know their is a guy out their who is not only willing, but capable of accepting my flaws.  He has a realtionship with God and the qualities characteristics that I'll willingly submit to. But until he finds me, I've excepted that I may have to bite into a few apples before we realize that what I need is an Orange. 

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