Monday, October 31

The "I AM" Factor (from Donald Lawrences' Y.R.M Album)

… and in the middle of this interesting scripture Joel says “Let the weak say I am weak”. When you make a confession and when you prophesy, you’re not supposed to tell the truth because the truth is that you are weak. You are not supposed to tell the truth about your circumstance. Let the weak say “I am strong”!
The reason Joel (the prophet) is saying “let the weak say I am strong” is because the “I Am” factor works this way: If you use My (God’s) name it’s a memorial to all generations and if you do not use it correctly you will receive the consequence of applications in the wrong way. So here is the principle, whenever the universe hears the words “I am”, anything that follows “I am” starts looking for you. Let the poor say “I am rich”. The truth of the matter is that a poor person is poor, and the minute the poor person says “I am poor” everything in the world of poverty starts organizing itself to your life …

I am RICH!

To God Be The Glory...

"I Am" by Donald Lawrence

Tuesday, October 25

Mother Daughter Talk

My mom and I were riding one day and started talking about dating. She expressed that she feels she's ready to start dating again. I stubbornly told her that whoever she dated needs to be approved by me. That led to the last 3 guys I dated and the conversation went something like this:

Mom: why don't u talk to "X" any more?
Me: he's unstable, doesn't take care of his kids, and mooches off others....
Mom: what happened to "Y"?
Me: he's a habitual liar (amongst other things), not loyal, and took advantage of the many chances I gave him
Mom: what abt "Z"?
Me: he wanted me and everybody else.
Mom: so you just drop them? you ain't perfect you know?
Me: I know. And I don't want someone who is perfect. I want someone that's perfect for me... 

I've always been the type of girl that didn't take much BS from guys. In the time it would take you to blink I would have dismissed one. But I'm also a "go getter". When I'm truly interested, I do what I have to do to prove to a guy that I am. It sucks that  I've never been exposed to a healthy marriage but being exposed to the unhealthy ones taught me just as much. They showed me what I didn't want to have to put up with and what I refused to to settle for. After seeing the negative effects of what my mothers past relationships, friends relationships and even my most recent experiences can do to ones health, mentality, and emotional state, you'd think I would be ready to throw in the towel. Not because he may have flaws, but because he may just have the very flaws I'm not willing to compromise with such as repetitive lying, and cheating. As my mother pointed out, I'm not perfect and I don't claim to be. I know their is a guy out their who is not only willing, but capable of accepting my flaws.  He has a realtionship with God and the qualities characteristics that I'll willingly submit to. But until he finds me, I've excepted that I may have to bite into a few apples before we realize that what I need is an Orange. 

Thursday, October 13

The Lesson from my Stressin' : A letter to you

Dear Person,
I know you didn’t expect to receive a letter from me. The truth is that I didn’t expect to write one to you. I didn’t expect that I’d ever even speak to you again but that just wouldn’t be me. There are some things that need to be said and now is a better time than ever.
            My relationship with you has been a roller coaster of smooth inclines and extremely rocky declines with added twists and turns that were just as bad. I’ve gone to bed many nights and woke up many mornings with eyes that were blood shot red from crying, and begging God to make it all go away. I just knew I wasn’t strong enough to deal with the feelings of rejection, and betrayal all by myself. You’ve done things to me that anyone would deem unforgivable. You’ve told lies and defamed my character to people. You’ve lied to my face and played sides just to “save face” and remain a “favorite”. You’ve put me in situations that would have jeopardized my job and my relationships with the people I love. You managed to convince yourself that some of the things you did were to help me. Hmmp… at the time I would have preferred to die in a burning fire then to receive help from you. I was hurting. But what hurt the most was that I couldn’t, for the life of me, figure out why someone that I called a “friend” would be so evil, bitter, and do such hateful and hurtful things.
            All the while God didn’t make it go away. I felt like He sat there and watched me toil in my pain. I prayed and asked for guidance but all I kept getting was “be still”. My anger and frustration with God pushed me to plot and sometimes go through with my own vengeance towards you but it never helped. You may be thinking that this is petty and that I should have let go of all of this by now but to be honest, the only way that I was going to be able to write this was once I was able to let go. If this had been written while there was still anger in my heart this would have been a bashing letter and an opportunity to put your business on the street. But instead, I’m writing this letter with a grateful heart.
            I want to thank you for fabricating lies. Thank you for spreading false rumors. I even want to thank you for exposing me and my flaws for people to see. Sounds crazy right? Well, I’m thanking you because what you don’t realize is that it forced people to watch me and formulate their own opinions about me. Needless to say, those very people love me and love what they’ve learned about me through their observation. While they watched… I praised. I praised God even when I didn’t want to. I couldn’t imagine how I was supposed to “put on” an exterior that didn’t match my interior. But I did. The times I didn’t want to, it seemed like I’d quickly forget that I didn’t and praised even harder. I realize now that God took me THROUGH, to get me TO where He needed me to be. When I thought God wasn’t answering my prayers He was actually killing 2 birds with one stone. Prior to all this mess I’d wanted God to bring me closer to Him. Now I realized that it was a test. I had to go through this drama and even have my secret issues outted in order for God to deal with me on an intimate level and show me that ALL things work together for the good of those that not only love Him, but that are called according to His purpose. So thank you….

“Draw me nearer, nearer blessed Lord,
To the cross where Thou hast died;
Draw me nearer, nearer, nearer blessed Lord,
To Thy precious, bleeding side.”

Thursday, July 28

A Facebook discussion, continued...

Ok so a friend of mine posted this as a discussion topic on facebook. It seems that I was the only person that had a response to it. I’d like to hear other people’s opinions but I don’t want to offend her so im bringing the convo here…
“If you're in a relationship right now, christian or not, ask yourself this simple question, " DO I SEE MYSELF MARRIED TO HIM/HER?" n if the answer is "NO" why are you in this relationship?”
  • Lula Mae
    Everyone doesn't date in hopes of finding a spouce. Some ppl date just to keep from being lonely, some do it to keep their minds off of a past relationship.
  • Her: thats true ,but all your really doing is adding extra wounds in your life so when u do get that person you want to marrie he/she as to deal with all those wounds that could of been prevented n lets be real how long do that last? try friendship
  • Lula Mae 
    I agree with you to an extent but Sometimes we have to look at it as a trial and error type of thing. How will we know what we like/dislike? How will we know what we're willing to put up with? How would we even learn about our own selves and how WE are in relationships if we don't have a few? Experience is the best teacher and most ppl learn and grow only through those experiences. now, don't get me wrong... Some ppl can't handle going through different types of relationship but in most cases they Meet, Marry, and live Miserable all because they failed to Mingle.
  • Her: see thats the thing about it you must know urself ahead of time b4 entering a relationship ma you cant count on ur mate to do so n God will built you up ma n there is enough trial set up for us in this life to built us up, all we doing is playing marriage (when we enter a relation) and divorce(when we break up) its this simple God will never give u someone u cant handle but the problem is that we never wait for Him to do so thinking we got this only to bring pain n regrets in our lives
  • Lula Mae i know for a fact that you can be a souled out christian and believe that God will give you just what you need, however, in most cases he places ppl in our lives sometimes for a reason (to teach us things), sometimes its just for a season (temporarily), and if He see's fit then they'll be there for a lifetime... all relationships that your get into aren't meant to last forever.
Go ahead, I’d like to hear what my people have to say. I wanna know what others think about this…Winking smile